Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Reymert Ghost Town

Processing Kilns at Reymart
Directions: I'm not going to provide the directions I used to get to Reymert. Try the route in Google Maps, which will have you take the US 60 to N. Mineral Mountain Rd and then to N. Reymert Rd.

Dog Friendly: Not in the summer. There's a lot cactus and off road vehicles that use these roads.

Reymert is another mining town in the Superior area. All that's left is a few foundations and a couple of processing kilns. I road my mountain bike and as usual bit off more than I should have. I left in the late afternoon to avoid the heat and ended up making a brutal climb in the dark. The country is rugged and steep. Reymert Rd is located in a wash. Since I came in from the East, I'm not sure how the road is coming in from Mineral Mountain Rd from the west. I don't think there are many people who have ridden a bike to this ghost town.

It was still a good adventure and always interesting to see some Arizona history. Reymert was founded in 1890 to support the Reymert Silver Mine.

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