Directions: From Mesa we traveled US 60 into Globe to turn North on Highway 188. From there you're going to turn on Wheatfields Rd after about 4.5 miles. After another 1.8 miles turn right on North Hicks Rd. Travel about 2.4 miles and make a left hand turn onto FR 219. This traverses private property but the owner is allowing access at this time. There's some sign in scrapes of paper at the gate. After approximately 1.8 miles make a right onto Richmond Basin Rd which is FR220. You'll hit the ruins and mine after about 6.5 miles.
Dog Friendly: Normally I would never suggest taking dogs around mines but this area was fairly safe. I would still keep them leashed. There maybe water in the winter and spring but there was no water in July.
Richmond Basin was a small town established in 1890 to support the silver mine. I've seen information that the mine and town we're active until as late as 1930, there are many shafts in the area and based on tailings this was an extensively mined area. That said, this is an area where history has been almost completely sanitized for the sake of public safety.
Thank Goodness all the shafts had cages on them! |
I worked for the Arizona State Mine Inspector as college intern in an abandoned mine safety program. I understand the danger that mines pose to the public but it's still sad to see the structures and mine workings that are a century old completely eliminated or barred off with doors, caps, foam, etc. Richmond Basin was made safe by placing futuristic space "cages" over the top of the mine opening. I've never seen anything like it. All the head frames are gone and really all that's left is the pile of debris from one of the old house, some rock walls and foundations.
Looking down in one of the shafts |
Overall this trip was a major disappointment. Richmond Basin is almost an invisible ghost town but the landscape made the trip worthwhile, kind of. There were some stellar views of Roosevelt Lake, Four Peaks and Globe-Miami. The FR 220 was in really good shape and a high clearance vehicle could probably make it. FR 219 is in wash and depending on the weather a 2wd could have trouble in deep sand or gravel. FR 220 is very narrow and really exposed in places, so if you have a fear of heights...don't look over the edge.